Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Freud’s theory of Personality - The background to the showdown between the id and the superego

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We can see the presence of the id part of personality when kids have temper tantrums

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  1. ok so Mrs Austin does it happen that the super ego like caters to both the ego and the ID but caters to one part a bit more and if so what is that called????

    1. Hi.

      The id doesnt cater to the ego or the superego. The id just wants what it wants. At the the same time, the superego also demands that the individual conforms to its inner rule-book of what is right and wrong. To solve the conflict between the id and the superego, the ego steps in to make a compromise between the two. It listens to what the id wants and and what the superego demands and comes up with a solution that satisfies the id's desires but also doesnt offend or go against the "rules" of the superego.
