Monday, 13 May 2013

"Beneath your Beautiful" - Labrinth & Emeli Sande - are they in love with "Phallic personalites?

I was listening to this song the other day and considering the lyrics - to me it seems as if they are both talking about someone who has built up a wall, someone who is afraid to commit.  I was thinking that maybe the song is about being in love with someone who has a phallic personality that either suffers from the Oedipal or the Elektra Complex.

 What do you think?  Watch the video below - it contains scrolling lyrics.

If you were a friend of the two characters singing the song - would you tell them to give up this love - that its pointless to try with someone like this, seeing that the personality traits are really a feature of the unresolved conflict in the Phallic Psychosexual stage of development?

How would you explain to them why these people are like that - according to a Freudian interpretation of the Psychosexual Stages of Personality Development?  Watch this and think about it!

It's a great track too - dont you think?