Wednesday, 17 March 2010


In this post you can find out all about the AHIV group project.

As part of your continuous assessment for this course - you are required to submit a group project. This project is like a test. It will count as part of your mark/grade for this course. It is mandatory - that means you MUST do it.

What is a group project?
It is a piece of research, the research is shared and put together into a presentation by all members of the group. The group is made up of members of your class. Organise yourself into groups of at least 5-10 members - you may not have more than 10 members in your group. Each group must provide the names of the members and their student numbers on the list provided - to me (Mrs Austin), no later than Tuesday the 23rd of March 2010. Please sign up your group on the list pasted on the wall, next to my office (710, 5th Floor, Arts).

All members in the group MUST contribute to the project. At the back of the project, all members must outline or indicate what they have contributed, what research they provided and what they did in the overall composition or presentation of the project.

The project will be assessed in the following manner -

• The group will submit their project -

• There will be a panel of "judges" who view the project.

• The group will be called in for an interview based on their project.

• Each member in the group will be interviewed on the group project.

• The mark for the project will be awarded according to:

o the actual project submitted.

o how all the group members perform in the individual interview.

• Groups are encouraged to ensure that all their members are adequately knowledgeable in what their project is about as their collective mark is dependent on how well other members in the group perform.


Karl Marx said: “Religion is the opiate of the masses”. He sees religion or some cultural beliefs as an ideology that controls the minds of people, in such a way that it has a negative impact on their lives and yet that they are satisfied with their disempowerment and may even think that it is a good thing or the right way to be.

In your project, amongst one of the following:

• religion,

• a traditional belief or cultural practice,

• event in history,

find your own example to demonstrate that one of the above may work like an ideology.

(For example – I used the Jonestown tragedy, Hindu beliefs, Islamic beliefs etc- as an example, now you come up with your own examples – )

Format of the project

While you are free to be creative and design a thought provoking, exciting project, the project itself must contain a written analysis of the example you have chosen.
 However, in addition, you may supplement your analysis with extra material – pictures, music, or videos, you can turn it into a chart, you may make a PowerPoint show, write, enact and film a screenplay. If you do use extra material, it must prove your case, illustrate your point or be used a case study (e.g. Jonestown Tragedy).

You must also “acknowledge” your sources – that means you have to say where your information, images or media comes from. Be warned not to “lift” or merely copy and paste text from websites, books or movies – you have to be original. You will not get a mark for something someone else has written. This will be checked using the anti-plagiarism (anti-copying) software “Turnitin”.


  1. DONT FORGET to come with your group to tell me what your project is about!

  2. hi mrs austin it's Zo i would like to know about the project may be we can do it like an assignment or not and how many pages to do? some members are creative some are not but they are directing how we can do the work,what if they droppinng down the group marks during interview.

  3. mrs Austin i would like to know we will do our presentation and interviewing in front of the students?

  4. Hi there guys

    The written part of the project must be between 1 - 2 pages long. However you may wish to add to the written part of your project by means of other media material. Remember that what you are doing is trying to convince me that your idea is the best or right idea. So you want to convince me by whatever means possible. Pretend that you are like a lawyer and together with your verbal argument - you also provide hard. cold evidence to show the judge and jurors that your argument is the best. Good luck!

  5. Wow! that's a great idea if we can do it in class. because this project is based on societyand its living, so please mrs just give us time to talk to class like you need. these ideas must go straight to students so that even if the whole university want an open discussion, we are ready for it. Remember "there's noboby who wants to be disempowered." Thanx!

  6. Xolani

    It really makes me so happy to see how enthusiastic you are. I shared your comment with the other members of our department and they were also happy. Yes - I think we must arrange a conference or a presentation day. I think that I am also going to try and make a place on the philosophy website where you all can put your presentations online for the public to look at. And we can maybe ask the University Website to feature your presentations so that other lecturers and students from all faculties can see the great work that you guys have been doing. I am so proud of all of you!
